Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Moon Festival, Tsukimi, Moon-Viewing

Tomorrow September 19, 2013 is full moon. Full moon of this time of the year is a special one. Full moon festival is originated in China and celebrated in many Asian countries. In Japan, it is also celebrated, rather quietly though.
It is called Tsukimi (literally moon-viewing) in Japanese.
Please read the explanation on Tsukimi in Wikipedia in English if you are interested.

In Japan, people see an image of rabbit pounding rice cake in a mortar with a pounder on the surface of the moon.
Can you see it?

McDonalds in Japan have special menus only in fall called “Tsukimi Burgers”.
They have 4 different kinds now and the new menu for this year is called Chicken Cheese Tsukimi Burger (picture above).

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